These are some of ThistleHook's friends

This is Donna, she is Doug's main squeeze and top advisor.  She lives next-door to a farm.

This is Donna, she is Doug's main squeeze and top advisor.  She lives next-door to a farm.

This is Friend Frog--there's a million of him at ThistleHook.

This is Friend Frog--there's a million of him at ThistleHook.

Blackie is a welcome stray--she hunts voles for ThistleHook

Blackie is a welcome stray--she hunts voles for ThistleHook

This is Allie, she is the Crew Chief for the Night Farmers (motto: Mete tota nocte, dorme toto die!). They haven’t done a lick of work at ThistleHook but they’re very enthusiastic.

Sophie shows up when the farm is in bloom.

Sophie shows up when the farm is in bloom.

This is Little Big Farm, they grow super-great food for Olympia and Seattle.

This is Little Big Farm, they grow super-great food for Olympia and Seattle.